Writing Dilemmas

Writing Dilemmas

 I can’t stop editing my work!

My research never ends!

I forgot a brilliant idea!

I tend to over-write…

These are but a few of the dilemmas that writers face. For some, writing comes naturally and they have a flair for it. For others, they need to work at their writing to develop their talent. Whatever the case may be, this article highlights some issues that writers most often have to deal with. The best part is, it also includes probable solutions for each issue.

So, the first issue is the non-stop editing of previous pages. The more you revisit that page, the more you find that editing needs to be done. Sound familiar? Well what you can do is to try continuing where you left of last when you sit down to work.

What about research? The key here is to find reliable sources before you start researching. That way, you won’t spend a lot of time looking up information that does not prove to be useful in your writing.

Then, there is the “forgetting problem”. No, this doesn’t mean that age has caught up with you! It happens. So like a true writer, you may carry a notebook and pen with you or download an app where you can jot down your thoughts easily.

There is a tendency to over-write. You find that your words just spill out. For this, you need a second pair of eyes or better yet, an editor, who will filter out the unnecessary content and reduce your writing to an acceptable length.  

Time, time time! You find there never seems to be enough of it! With a full-time job or studies as well as a family, it is hard to juggle writing too. What you could do is re-organise your schedule to fit in some writing time along with your other responsibilities. Making money and relationships are important, but having some time for yourself to complete that piece of writing is also essential.

Finally, there is that dreaded feeling of your writing being rejected or getting negative feedback. This also is not uncommon. The thing to remember here is not to give up. If you have put your heart and soul into that writing and have a ‘story’ to tell, then all is not in vain. Remember to give your writing that voice that you feel needs to be heard!