Productive Procrastination

Productive Procrastination

“Don’t worry, I’ll get it done eventually.”

Things are almost always easier said than done. So, what can a social post like this do to curb your procrastination? What if I told you, this write-up isn’t going to cure your habit of putting things off? Instead, it is an attempt to teach you how procrastination can be used to produce more productive outcomes. Without further delay (pun intended), here are 5 ways you can procrastinate productively:

1. Take a walk

Sometimes what we need in the middle of an important task is some time away from it. Taking a walk is a productive way to procrastinate because it takes your mind off the task for a brief moment, for you to recuperate and reapproach the task with a fresh mind.

2. Clean something

In the words of Marie Kondo, get rid of the things that don’t spark joy in your life. Clean up the environment in which you work and you will find fewer things to get distracted by as you complete your task.

3. Tackle a smaller problem

By tackling a smaller problem before facing the main dreaded task, you rewire your mind to be able to solve problems with more confidence. Humans are creatures of habit, so by solving a smaller problem, you prime your brain to solve larger problems.

4. Journal your distractions

Keeping tabs of your distractions through journaling helps give you a realistic perspective on what causes your procrastination and gives you a tangible overview of your problem. Once it’s on paper, you can confront the behaviour and control it better.

5. Plan your procrastination

This is crucial in becoming a productive, well-balanced and confident individual. In most cases, procrastination comes with a tinge of anxiety – the anxiety of not getting the task completed to a satisfactory level. When you plan for time to procrastinate, you eliminate the anxiety and can face your task with a clear head.